create tablespace you datafile 'E:\app\Administrator\oradata\you\you1.dbf' size 500M autoextend on next 100M maxsize unlimited logging online permanent;--创建表空间 create user you_user identified by you_user default tablespace fuyou;--创建用户 grant connect,resource to you_user; grant create any sequence to you_user; grant create any table to you_user; grant delete any table to you_user; grant insert any table to you_user; grant select any table to you_user; grant unlimited tablespace to you_user; grant execute any procedure to you_user; grant update any table to you_user; grant create any view to you_user; grant dba to you_user;--可以不要这个权限 --授权
set ORACLE_SID=sids1
alter tablespace venn add datafile '/opt/oracle/db01/app/oracle/oradata/OSSORCL/venn02.dbf' size 10M autoextend on next 100M maxsize 500M ;
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