错误报告 - ORA-12008: 实体化视图的刷新路径中存在错误 ORA-01732: 此视图的数据操纵操作非法 ORA-06512: 在 "SYS.DBMS_SNAPSHOT", line 2558 ORA-06512: 在 "SYS.DBMS_SNAPSHOT", line 2771 ORA-06512: 在 "SYS.DBMS_SNAPSHOT", line 2740 ORA-06512: 在 line 2 12008. 00000 - "error in materialized view or zonemap refresh path" *Cause: Table SNAP$_<mview_name> reads rows from the view MVIEW$_<mview_name>, which is a view on the master table (the master may be at a remote site). Any error in this path will cause this error at refresh time. For fast refreshes, the table <master_owner>.MLOG$_<master> is also referenced. *Action: Examine the other messages on the stack to find the problem. See if the objects SNAP$_<mview_name>, MVIEW$_<mview_name>, <mowner>.<master>@<dblink>, <mowner>.MLOG$_<master>@<dblink> still exist.
SQL> alter system set "_COMPLEX_VIEW_MERGING"=true; 系统已更改。 SQL> alter system set "_SIMPLE_VIEW_MERGING"=true; 系统已更改。 再次执行sql,OK!没有再报错了 于是将_complex_view_merging全局设置为true, alter system set "_complex_view_merging" = true scope=both;
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转载请注明本文标题和链接:《ORA-12008: 实体化视图的刷新路径中存在错误 ORA-01732: 此视图的数据操纵操作非法》